Saturday, February 5, 2011

So after going out of town for a few days I was concerned about the health of Mr. Obamalamadingdong. Thankfully, (I'd say thank God, but liberals don't believe in God) he had enough Obamacare to survive the five days without careful attention.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Obama Chia Project, Day 6

Some of you will be wondering what happened to Day 5. Be quiet.

The rest of you subservient minions will notice that Mr. Obamalamadingdong has a drinking problem. That plastic tray has to be emptied three or four times a day.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Obama Chia Project, Day 4

Yes We Can! The skeeds be sproutin!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Obama Chia Project, Day 3

Still no appreciable change in the seeds. But this morning I did see that the Ch-Ch-Ch-Chief was bowing submissively to the bonsai tree that is beside it on the desk. Truly made in his own image...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Obama Chia Project, Day 2

No progress with the sprouting. Still looking the same. The water soaking through is giving Obamalamadingdong a nice cocoa butter shine though.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Obama Chia Project, Day 1

Day one of the Obama Chia Pet project.

Let's see if I can grow a better Obamanation Chia than Marty.

Hail to the Ch-Ch-Ch-Chief!!