Monday, January 5, 2009

Just what we needed...

Yeah right, the world needs another blog like it needs another politician. I know, blogging is the realm of the lunatic, the radical left-winger that thinks he matters, and the high school kid who thinks the world doesn't understand.

But this blog is DIFFERENT!

No, it's not. Really.

This blog is written by a Stay At Home Dad, who won't be able to find time to write droll missives for the masses (both of you!) on a regular basis.

I'm also a Home Inspector. And I will shamelessly plug myself. I have to eat after all. Since the economy is in the tank right now, I'm mostly a SAHD. They pay about the same...

This blog thinks politics is like politicians; stupid, and a waste of time. So, I won't comment on political balderal other than to quote myself:

"All politicians are liars, so vote for the one that lies your way."

(copyright Cooper Heavy Industries)

But, I'm a Libertarian. Which is to say that I hate big government, taxes, politicians, the DMV, and the Highway Patrol. Enough of that blah blah blah, you get the idea.

I'm a Freemason, and I won't tell you where the gold is hidden. C'mon, we can't agree on who will make dinner next month but we secretly rule the world? I think not. It's a boys club with a secret handshake. It is a lot of fun though.

So, you are asking yourself two things right now. First, how can he read my mind? It's uncanny!! Second, what's this junk about? Does he even have a point?

Well, I can read your mind, and you should be ashamed of yourself! Go wash your mouse out with soap. I'll wait...

And this junk is about the misadventures of a 33 year old who is surrounded by a eleven month old infant. She has me covered, and she knows it.

She, the one of which I speak, is Madeline. She keeps me busy all day, every day. Sometimes she allows me to take time for frivolities like my lunch, checking the mail, and breathing.
I have also been asked to get a pile together of all the crazy stuff I do to save money. Being a SAHD doesn't pay much, and Home Inspecting pays less sometimes. I have to keep the Benjamins in check, yo! So, I will grace you with enlightenment at my discretion. And you will like it. Behold, I am the blogger, what I say goes.
I'm sure CNN will be covering this blog soon.
I'll wait while you clean the coffee off the monitor.
Thanks in advance to the Dad Stays Home message board. I've *ahem* stolen most of my ideas from there. The rest came to me during peyote hangovers.
Have a question? Send it along after consulting your Magic 8 Ball. I'll answer it if I'm in a good mood. Maybe.


  1. Good stuff! I'll put a link on my blog. Not that I have many readers, but we can be lonely together! Wait, that just sounds so wrong....

  2. Thanks Don, if that is your REAL name.

    The voices in my head say that I appreciate it!

  3. Mista Plie-mouth,

    Hit sho' is nice dat a young feller lik you's got a little time to shaire youre insights an' wisdom.

    I lives on a farm two-- in Jefferson Station, SC. Dont think many folkes knows where dat is, but dat is where I is.

    I'll bee a stoppin' bye frum time two time. I gots a blog too, but I neber has no time fer it. Maybee une of dese days, Lawrd knows!

    Welp, I'll talk atcha later,

    Cooter Brown
    Farmer, Filosopher, Freemason
    Jefferson Station, SC

  4. Your sense of humor is fantastic!:D
    ~C(nuisance26 from FV)

  5. I followed your link on Frugal Village, and got a chuckle about your job being the same as stay-at-home parent. Good luck with your blog.
