Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sometimes, you just have to get comfortable...

Allow me to pontificate on the enormity of life.

Every now and then, you have to stop and evaluate what you are doing.

Are you doing what you WANT to do? Or are you doing what you think you have to do?

I have started several projects recently. I have started to read more. I am currently reading a lengthy tome that has been a great read. Once I am done, I will report and reflect accordingly. On my list this year are several things: I want to read some C.S. Lewis. I want to read Walden, re-read Chaucer, finish Morals and Dogma, and maybe some biographies.

I am also on the Dad Stays Home weight loss challenge. This has required some Push-Backs. Not eating everything in sight because I can, but eating sensible portions. I am also taking Madeline for a walk every day. It's only two miles, but it's a start. Maybe I can get to the point where I am not weighed in gross tonnage displaced.

I am also working on the garden to end all gardens. It's my overambitious 1/3 acre plot that I won't be able to manage, or keep the deer out of.

That's a lot of stuff. Especially when I am also trying to run a home inspection business ( ) and be a Stay At Home Dad.

I'm doing it by simplifying.

A good friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, just found himself in a position where he has more free time than he has had in years. I had to remind Marty (OOPS!!!) that he has gone into business for himself, and is no longer working 40 hours per week for someone else in addition to running his business. Marty is the ambitious type that never rests. He gets antsy if he has to sit and relax. Accordingly, I told him to hook up his tractor and try to grow something. Hopefully he won't get carried away like I have. Marty is entering a new stage that I am forcing myself into. He has scaled back his involvement.

While I am much more active in my church, I have cut back on some Masonic activities. The trade off is more nights at home, but more morning activities. Luckily, I'm still with the family unit when I'm at church.

On a side note, Madeline's first birthday will be Saturday. Boy how time flies.


  1. Every year that goes by I get better at weeding out the things I think I have to do but are really just me trying to live up to whatever expectations I think someone has for me. There are are only a few things that really matter in this life. They are loving God and carefully managing the things, talents and relationships he gives you.
    Coincidentally, I'm also planning to read some C.S.Lewis this year. Which ones are you considering?

  2. Welcome aboard, and have some Kool-aid...

    I'm going to start with the science fiction trilogy. Then maybe Screwtape Letters. We'll see.
