Friday, December 11, 2009

So Princess Poopy Pants has this duck. It's a silly stuffed duck about 8 inches tall made by the people who made beanie babies. This duck is like some sort of growth out of her armpit. She carries it everywhere. She sleeps with it. She likes to toss it at me. She uses it like a tissue. She uses it like a napkin. So the stupid duck is pretty nasty, even after a trip through the wash.

The Manager told me that we needed another duck "in case Quackers gets lost." So we needed a clone. Quackers and Quackers Prime if you will. After searching the interwebs, it turns out this is some magical duck that is out of production.

**If you were collecting beanie babies as an investment, LOOK AWAY NOW**

Luckily they are all over e(vil)-bay for about $6 shipped. Upon buying-one-now, I promptly tore off the tag and tossed it into the fray with Princess Poopy Pants.

It would seem the two ducks are not of the same hen.

One is a nice puffy and cuddly soft critter in a calm and sedate yellow hue with a smiling beak.

The other looks like it had a pack a day habit for 40 years while it worked at the docks. It's kind of a rancid vanilla pudding color, and oddly crunchy even when clean. And it's stretched about 3 inches longer than it should be.

Guess which one gets all the attention...

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