Saturday, September 5, 2009

Edisto, more than a beach

Madeline loves Edisto Island. And why not? It's a wonderful place that is not swarming with junk souvenir stores and teenagers with loud car radios playing rap at obscene volume.

It's quiet, with shell covered beaches. The link to the past is ever present. There are reminders of the island cotton days. The rice plantation days. The truck farming days. There is the oldest continuously active church in South Carolina.

Admittedly, Edisto has always been where I go shrimping with my father. Now though it is where Madeline can play in the surf and build a sand castle. It is where a ride to nowhere in the Jeep with the doors and windows off is a big adventure.

New family customs seem to be starting every day.

As a side note, lightning hit our Direct TV dish while we were gone. This is the third time this year, because the technicians refused to ground the equipment. Direct TV refused to send a repairman out in less than three days. So, I fired them. I will now get my television from the interwebs and from a Netflix subscription. So, no real tv for our house any more. Let's see how that works out. At least I removed the incompetence that is Direct TV from my life.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures. Your little girl is beautiful! Mine has starting driving. Talk about white knuckles while she is riding the white lines, What a way to increase the heart rate! Hope to chat soon.
