This past weekend I was teaching the Scottish Rite class. It was the traditional two weekend fast class. This is the class that all the old farts claim is the best way to do a class, instead of the longer 9 month program where you come one Wednesday night per month for a few hours.
Because I was curious, or a jerk, or a curious jerk, I counted the roll.
At the last business meeting there were 53 in attendance. At the degree, there were 22.
That tells me that 31 people think there is more Freemasonry in a meeting where we hear the minutes of the last meeting read and a bunch of grumpy old men argue about carpet cleaning or adding lights outside the building or giving lapel pins out to members who have good attendance.
Dear Columbia Valley of the Scottish Rite,
Give me a good reason to pay my dues, which you increased this year, to counter the reasons you have given me to quit.
A member who joined to learn something instead of just to get another stupid looking hat.
9 months ago
Having the same type of issues here, with my Shrine Temple. Not sure they are getting another dues payment when this one runs out.