Tuesday, June 9, 2009

There's some lovely filth down here!

So, DeerDotter figured out the wonders that is a sandbox. True, her first exposure was the remnants of a bag of peat moss I dumped into a hole that the Doggie Wonder has been working on for 11 years. Who knew that so little muck can go so far?

Now Wunnerful Wifey wants a sandbox.

I predict my obsessive compulsive cleanliness will go into convulsive fits any moment now.
But let's face reality: who doesn't want a giant litter box for the entire cat commuinity to grace in their yard? Hmm? Hmm? That's what I thought! Well, I guess a sand box will offset the "neavoux blanc garbage chic" look that our place has taken on. You know, overgrown failed garden, junk truck behind a workshop full of classic cars, carpeted screened porch, blah blah blah.
I predict my laundry will increase any day now.


  1. Here's a prescription for you: buy one plastic, lidded underbed box. They often have wheels. Fill with sand. Add buckets. Voila! Portable sandbox to entertain 1-3 children.
